inclusion, inclusive education, assessment, evaluation, evaluation study.Abstract
Intensive changes taking place in the society lead to higher expectations of the results and quality of schoolwork. Educational institutions should quickly adapt to the new situation and use innovative approaches in their work. In our country, the right of children with special educational needs to study at general educational institutions at the place of their residence is legislated. In its turn, the educational institutions should provide for a range of required services in accordance with diverse educational needs of such children through the inclusive educational system. The paper deals with a role of civil liability and professionalism as the necessary preconditions for adequate evaluation of the inclusive education system when selecting a strategy of its formation. Such approach enables to promptly respond, understand and objectively assess the problems and trends that form in the process of the inclusive practice accomplishment.
Every school should have a program for evaluation of its changes and be included in wider evaluation programs that make it possible not just fix a certain status of the school development but also identify the causes of such educational quality and propose directions to upgrade inclusive education with due account of special educational needs of various category pupils. For effective evaluation it is necessary to set up a system of expert support for schools and implement positive foreign and domestic experience related to the inclusive education concept implementation. With a view of evaluating the quality of inclusive process in the education system the author defines the evaluation process components, analyses the evaluation process stages and proposes, as a necessity, to develop an algorithm and a set of evaluation programs for certain directions of the educational institution activity.
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