ascriptive statuses, leisure, leisure practices of students, leisure time place of residence, cultural capital, economic capital.Abstract
The article discusses the problems of student leisure. It becomes relevant to study the dependence of forms of leisure activities from ascriptive statuses, the possession of which does not depend on the desires of the individual, because each person has a status set, which determines a set of dispositions. Among the most important ascriptive statuses allocated to gender and place of residence of the student prior to admission to the university as well as cultural (indicators of which are the amount of home libraries and parents ' education level) and economic capital of the family. The author identifies and describes regular leisure practices committed by students in their free time. Based on the results of the factor analysis, the author typologized the types of leisure activities of students and determines the degree of dependence of the intensity of each of them from the dedicated ascriptive statuses. The article presents the results of correlation analysis of the selected forms of leisure and ascriptive statuses of students, we conclude the presence of a significant relationship. The least influential social status of the selected us is the place of residence prior to admission to the University, which acts as the output indicator under social control. The author concludes that the economic capital of the family plays a dual role: on the one hand, limits the intensity
of some forms of leisure activities that require additional financial costs, with the other actualizes the practice of demonstrative conspicuous consumption. In addition, the results of the study will allow a substantial role in the volume of family's cultural capital in the intensification culturally rich and creative practices of the students.
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