Ukrainian migrants in Germany, sociocultural adaptation, identity, migration practices, reasons, consequences.Abstract
The article is devoted to the issues of theoretical and empirical exploring of Ukrainian migration to Germany in its sociocultural dimension. It is aimed to inquire such issues as migration practices of the Ukrainians in Germany, models and factors of their adaptation, cause-and-effect relations concerning Ukrainian migration to Germany and its interconnection with adaptation process. The author’s theoretical concept is a basis for empirical survey on Ukrainian migration to Germany conducted in 2014–2015. 17 half-structured interviews with the Ukrainians who experienced living in Germany were taken during the research. The main outcomes of research are as follows. In spite of having mostly labour nature, Ukrainian migration to Germany is simultaneously coursed by non-ecomomical reasons (i.e. professional interests, self-realization, personal growth, family and ethnic reasons). This fact is one of the factors that explain successful adaptation of the Ukrainians in German society. The multiculturality of German cities is another important factor. It includes the chance for English-speaking people to live in Germany for a long time not speaking German. The respondents’ background, profession/skills, spouse’s ethnicity instead turned out to be marginal factors. Diasporisation and assimilation are detected as main adaptation models for the Ukrainians in Germany. Successful adaptation of the Ukrainians in Germany, their significant space mobility and re-adaptation fears course undefined planes for future — stay in Germany, return to Ukraine, migration to the third country. In summary, the research showed the modern Ukrainian migration to Germany to have cultural and personal characteristics as equal to the socio-economical ones.
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