Teenage Youth, Professional Orientations, Social and Satus Expectations, Borderland.Abstract
The article is devoted to the results of the study «Value orientations of Ivano-Frankivsk’s general secondary institutions students» conducted by the Educational and Scientific Center of Sociological Research of Precarpathian region of SHEI «Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University». This research project has been supported by the Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies (University of Alberta) and it has been implemented together with the Department of Education and Science of the Executive Commitee of Ivano-Frankivsk City Council in 2015. According to the research methodology, 28 Ivano-Frankivsk’s schools have been involved to the research procedure, 774 respondents have participated in this project, which accounts for 68,7 %. The statistical sampling error (with a probability of 0.95) hasn’t exceeded 1, 98 %. Additionally, the international study «Youth in the Borderlands of Central and Eastern Europe», conducted in 2015 among school graduates in some border regions of Ukraine, Poland and Hungary is been considered in the article. Data considering professional expectations of adolescents is been presented. The factors and structure of social and status preferences of adolescent youth are considered. It was found out that the social and status expectations of adolescent youth mainly relate to managerial activity, business, entrepreneurship and managerial activity of medium and high levels of management, and, in the opinion of interviewed respondents, they are personal qualities («soft skills»), that should be considered the most important proffecional skills.
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