Russian conservatism, Slavophilism, Stalinism, socialism, liberalism, Christianity.Abstract
This article examines the issue of Dostoyevsky political ideas integration in the political process of post-Soviet Russia. The broad spectrum of modern interpreters of his political work is analysed: from communist to radical panslavists. It can be seen connection of Dostoyevsky’s ideas with the ideas of contemporary Russian conservatives, ruling elite and Vladimir Putin’s state policy. It is indicated both their commonness and differences, in particular, attempts of the latter to combine the ideas of Russian conservatism and Stalinist socialism, to justify the «red idea». It is noted, that Dostoyevsky has created an original political conception, which goes beyond the slavophilism frame. It is studied Dostoyevsky’s critical attitude towards the ideas of socialism and liberalism, mainly for their utilitarianism, disregard of religion, highest meanings» and man’s soul and nation. In Dostoyevsky’s construct special focus is on the study of historical roots of Russian modern orientation to external expansion, spreading its influence to the East, saving the Slavic world and towards fighting the West, with a positive attitude towards Russia’s force use in international politics. The reasons of the Orthodox Church political role strengthening in the country and the world are studied. The important are principles of political ethics developed by Dostoevsky and the need to impart a moral sound to politics. There is a disagreement about accusations regarding his adherence to the ideas of Russian fascism. In some sense, it can be said about populism of some his ideas, uncritically and excessively ideally «drawing» the image of a Russian man. The psychology and technology of an authoritarian rule which have been developing by Dostoyevsky are studied, which is widely presented in the political practice of modern Russia as well.
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