The symbolic role of the language policy in Ukraine: between symbolic violence and liberalism
language policy, symbolic violence, state language, the free choice of the communication language, regional languagesAbstract
The aim of the article is to identify the social preconditions of combining the concept of symbolic violence and the principle of free choice of communication language in the language policy of Ukraine. The formation of language policy in Ukraine took place in a situation characterized by the development of the statehood of the title ethnicity and at the same time by the cultural revival of other ethnic groups. The Law On the Languages in the Ukrainian SSR (1989) proclaimed not only the state status of the Ukrainian language, but also the free development of other languages. But for the years of independence, the legal framework for language policy did not contain mechanisms for its implementation — either concerning Ukrainianization or protection of other language groups. It made language policy a hostage to political elites. This shortcoming was overcame in the Law On the Principles of the State Language Policy (2012), which introduced the institute of regional language regimes. But the law gave rise to many conflicts. The article presents the data of the sociological survey on the identity of the population of Ukraine, which was conducted in December 2015. The survey data, in particular the excess of the proportion of those who choose Ukrainian as their native language, over the proportion of those who speak it, the growth of the supporters of the state Ukrainian language means that in Ukraine a combination of the symbolic violence in the form of a state language and the liberal principle of free choice of communication language is possible. Administrative management can be governed by the provisions on the state language. Many other areas of social interaction can be managed by the principle of free choice of communication language. Such combination is possible at the level of local self-government. Not only the content of political decisions in this sphere but the democratic procedure of their adoption are important. But the current Ukrainian politics is characterized by the weakness of political forces that advocate liberal principles, and by the influence of radicalism. An obstacle to radicalism is the modesty of public opinion. Therefore, the preservation of language cleavages in the politics is probable.
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