Theoretical and methodological basis of the system analysis and construction of the conceptual model of social tension


  • Є. В. Сірий Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Ukraine



social tension, system analysis, conceptual model, the psychological nature of tension, factors, components, forms of tension


This article highlights the key trends and attempts systems analysis object-subject of social tensions and building a conceptual model of the system of complex analysis research study problem social tensions. Presented interpretation, explication and operational actions related to the concept of social tension.To study the system programming of social tension, its estimation and measurement in the range of monitoring questionnaires was funds highlight the major constituent questions and tasks, principles and ways of solving them, in particular: operationalization and explication procedure object-subject components of social tension, the synthesis of its working concepts, clarify original categorical apparatus, classification and grouping of the factors of social tension, objective certainty research explication epistemological means of research, analysis polystructural social tensions, clarify its immanent working parties as part of its system analysis.

Author Biography

Є. В. Сірий, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv

Siriy E. V.


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