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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • Це подання раніше не було опубліковане і не надсилалося до розгляду редакціям інших журналів (або у коментарях для редактора нижче дані необхідні пояснення).
  • Файл подання є документом у форматі Microsoft Word, OpenOffice, RTF або WordPerfect.
  • Інтернет-посилання у тексті супроводжуються повними коректними адресами URL.
  • Текст набраний 12-м розміром кеглю з одинарним міжрядковим інтервалом; авторські акценти виділені курсивом, а не підкресленням (всюди, крім адрес URL); всі ілюстрації, графіки та таблиці розміщені безпосередньо у тексті, там, де вони повинні бути за змістом (а не у кінці документу).
  • Текст відповідає вимогам до стилістики та бібліографії, викладеним у Керівництві для авторів розділу "Про журнал".
  • Якщо матеріал подається у рецензований розділ журналу, при оформленні файлу подання були виконані інструкції щодо Гарантій сліпого рецензування.

Author Guidelines

Instructions for Authors


Language: Ukrainian, Russian, English.

Manuscripts should be prepared in MS Word using Times New Roman 14-point font and one and a half line spacing in text. Text fields: left 2.5, right 1.5, top 2, bottom 2.

The article should specify:

UDC - left above the title of the article

Author information: authors' names, academic degree, academic title, ORCID ID:, institutions of origin, addresses and e-mail addresses).

Title of the manuscript (in capital letters, bold, up to 9 words)

Abstracts (no more than 250 words in the language of the article). At the end of the Abstract – "Keywords" (up to 5)

-        Formulation of the problem in general form, its relation to scientific or practical problems.

-        Analysis of recent research and publications, methodological basis of the study.

-        Selection of previously unresolved parts of the problem to which the article is devoted.

-        Formulation of the goals of the article, presentation of the main research material with full substantiation of scientific results.

-        Research findings and prospects for further research in this area.

Списoк використаної літератури  (References according to Ukrainian standard)

References (APA-style)

After the lists of references it is specify: The article was received by the editors


Two summaries of the article (extended  abstracts containing the goals, objectives, methods, main conclusions of the article, at least 1800 characters):

-    for Ukrainian-language articles - a summary in Russian (1800 characters) and English (1800 characters)

-   for Russian-language articles - a summary in Ukrainian (at least 1800 characters) and English (at least 1800 characters)

-   for English-language articles - a summary in Russian (1800 characters) and Ukrainian (1800 characters).

Word limits (with drawings, tables and captions, abstract, summaries, references) – from 6,000 to 10,000 words.

▪          In-Text References should use the APA-style (Appendix No 1).

▪            Instruction for formation of the “References” («Списoк використаної літератури») according to Ukrainian standard (Appendix No 2).

▪            Instruction for formation of the “References” (Appendix No 3).



Appendix No 1


In-Text References


The APA-style assures using references in the text every time you cite a source – even if it is a paraphrase, an inside the line quote or “block” quote (which may be longer than three lines). Reference in the text contains information about the author of the work (if the author is absent it can be editor / compiler / title of the cited source), year of publication and page numbers from which the citation is quoted. You are allowed not to specify pages if you refer to the work as a whole.


Paraphrase. Paraphrase is not written in the quotation marks. It includes the name(s) of the author(s) and they may appear in the sentence itself (then followed by parentheses with the year of publication) or in parentheses after the paraphrase, together with the year of publication with a comma in between.

Example 1: There are several editing steps in the editorial process (Timoshyk, 2004).

Example 2: According to Timoshyk (2004) in the editorial process there are several stages of editing.


A quotation inside the sentence / line  

This kind of quotation is taken in the quotation marks. The name(s) of the author(s) may appear: 1) in the sentence itself, followed by the year of publication in parentheses and after the quotation there should be page period in parentheses as well; 2) in parentheses after the quote along with the year of publication and the page (with comma in between).

Example 1: Wordsworth (2006) stated that romantic poetry was marked as a “spontaneous overflow of strong feelings” (p. 263).

Example 2: Romantic poetry is characterized by a “spontaneous overflow of strong feelings” (Wordsworth, 2006, p. 263).


“Block” quotation (consists of more than 3 lines of the text)

This type of quotation is put in the text without quotation marks starting from a new line with a paragraph indented for the entire quote. A full stop is placed after the text and the source is indicated in parentheses.


In the field of publishing, the term “editing” is primarily used to refer to activities that are directly related to the activities of the press. Modern editing belongs to the sphere of socio-cultural professional activity, which aims at the analysis and improvement of language works during their preparation for reproduction by means of polygraph, or for broadcasting. (Honyu, 2006, p. 45)

If you include the name of the source in a text link, then all the words of the name must begin with a capital letter. The names of massive works (books) should be italicized: (Ukrainian language, 2009, p. 6). The titles of small works (parts of a book or an article) are put in quotation marks: (“Spelling words of foreign origin”, 2009, p. 103).


     References to the work of several authors (editors / compilers)

The in-text reference to the work of several authors depends on their number.

1). 2-5 authors. In the in-text reference it is necessary to list the names of all authors through commas. The last author is preceded by the & sign if the authors are in parentheses, or the word “and” if the authors are listed in a sentence, the year of publication and page period are specified in parentheses.

Example 1: (Kernis, Cornell, Sun, Berry, & Harlow, 1993, p. 199) or (Boyko, Hrechka, & Polishchuk, 2010, p. 5).

Example 2: Boyko, Hrechka and Polishchuk (2010) point out: “geopolitics – is an interdisciplinary science” (p. 5).

2). 6 authors and more. In-text reference requires specification of the name of the first author and the word “et al.”.

Example 1: (Jones et al., 1998, p. 7) or (Boyko et al., 2005, p. 10)

Example 2: Wieliczko et al. (2005) state: “Geopolitics is a system of sciences” (p. 10).


A reference to a work by its name

If the author (editor / compiler) of a large-sized work (like a book) cannot be identified, then two words of the work title should be indicated in italics after the paraphrase or quotation instead of the author.

Example: Ukrainian language has a prominent place among the modern languages of the world (Ukrainian Language, 2009). Elkins argues that visual studies, as a new discipline, can be “too easy” (Visual Studies, 2009, p. 63).

If the author (editor / compiler) of a small work (such as article, parts of a book, web page) cannot be identified, then two words from the work’s title should be written in quotation marks instead of the author’s name after the paraphrase or quote.

Example: “Phonetics as a system is a set of sounds, accents and intonations” (“System of Vowel Phonemes”, 2009, p. 6).


References to several works by different authors (made in the same sentence/paraphrase)

If the paraphrase refers to several works written by different authors, then after the paraphrase it is necessary to indicate the name of the author of one book and the year of its publication and after the sign; specify the name of the author of the second book and the year of its publication as well.

Example: Many researchers consider literary editing to be one of the most important stages of text processing (Feller, 2004; Rizun, 2002).


References to several works by different authors with the same surnames

If two or more authors have the same surname, their initials must also be indicated in the reference (or even a full name as well if different authors have the same initials).

Example: There are differing opinions about the effects of cloning (R. Miller, p. 12; A. Miller, p. 46). Although some medical ethics experts argue that cloning will lead to design children (R. Miller, p. 12), others have noted that the benefits of medical research outweigh this consideration (A. Miller, p. 46).



Appendix No 2

Instruction for formation of the

References (Списку використаної літератури)

according to Ukrainian standard


     Full bibliographic data (including the doi indexes provided on the site - should be provided in the list of references at the end of the article.

The list must be compiled in alphabetical order by author's surname, and if the work does not have the author, it should be indicated by the first letter of the title of the work.

If the References include several works of the same author (editor), then the titles are arranged in chronological order by year of publication in ascending order.

First, the works are specify in the Cyrillic alphabet, then - the works in Latin and foreign languages (the latter are printed in the original transcription).

The list is made according to the rules of DSTU 8302: 2015 «Bibliographic references” (2015 Rules, as amended in 2017 (



Cписок використаної літератури

Адорно Т. В. Негативная диалектика: монография / пер. с нем. Е. Л. Петренко. M.: Академический проект, 2011. 538 с.

Алмонд Г. А., Верба С. Гражданская культура и стабильность демократии. Полис. 1992. № 4. С. 122–134.

Берандзе М. Р. Концепция транснационального права в международном праве: дис. ... канд. юрид. наук: 12.00.10, 12.00.03. / Дипломатическая Академия РФ. М., 2010. 172 с.

Бродель Ф. История и общественные науки. Историческая длительность. Философия и методология истории: сборник статей / под ред. И. С. Кона. М.: Прогресс, 1977. С. 123–124.

Валлерстайн И. Модернизация: мир праху её. Социология: теория, методы, маркетинг. 2008. № 2. С. 21–25.

Варга М., Блум К. Як популісти та правоконсерватори перемагають лібералів. Приклад Польщі, Угоршини, Росії. Vox. Ukraine. 20.03.2018. URL: (дата звернення: 10.10.2018)

Про засади державної регіональної політики: Закон України від 05.02.2015 р. № 156-VIII. Відомості Верховної Ради (ВВР). 2015. № 13. ст. 90.

Anderson M. Territory and State Formation in the Modern World. Cambridge: Polity Press, 1996. 272 р.

Anderson M. Les frontières: un débat contemporain. Cultures & Conflits. 1997. No. 26/27. Р. 15–34.




Appendix No 3


Instruction for formation of the

References (in Latin)


References must be prepared in accordance with the standard АРА (American Psychological Association) [1],[2]

The list must be compiled in alphabetical order by author's surname, and if the work does not have the author, it should be indicated by the first letter of the title of the work.

If the References include several works of the same author (editor), then the titles are arranged in chronological order (with the addition of lowercase letters, for example, 2019a, 2019b, 2019c).

First, the works are specify in the Cyrillic alphabet (the Cyrillic alphabet is transliterated in Latin letters with indicating the language, for example: [in Russian], [in Ukrainian]), then - the works in Latin and foreign languages (the latter are printed in the original transcription).


 Transliteration from the Ukrainian to the Latin alphabet should follow the system officially approved by the Ukrainian Cabinet of Ministers in 2010 (see Online transliterator - For the Russian language: transliteration is necessary according to the requirements of the order of the FMS of the RF 2010 (see On-line transliterator, Transliterate in Russian - ).

Only the title of the manuscript (monograph, article) should be transliterated! Then it should be translate into English.


Adorno, T. (2011). Negativnaja dialektika. (Negative dialectics). Moscow: Academic project [in Russian].

Almond, G. A. &  Verba, S. (1992). Grazhdanskaja kul'tura i stabil'nost' demokratii. (Civic culture and stability of democracy). Polis, 4, 122–133. [in Russian].


During transliteration, it is advisable to use the official abbreviations of the names of periodicals in accordance with the ISSN (Abbreviated key title).


Surnames of authors, names of periodicals, city of publication, publishing house should be translate into English.






The title of the book / journal is in italics. 


Benjamin, A. C. (1960). The ethics of scholarship: A discussion of problems that arise in its application. Journal of Higher Education, 31(9), 471–480.

If the publication lists no more than seven authors (or editors / compilers, if the book is without an author), then all authors should be referenced (see bibliographic descriptions of books with authors).


Bragg, S. M. (2010). Wiley revenue recognition: Rules and scenarios (2nd ed.). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. 

Ophir, A., Givoni, M., & Hanafi, S. (Eds.). (2009). The power of inclusive exclusion. New York, NY: Zone.

Hubbard, R. G., Koehn, M. F., Omstein, S. I., Audenrode, M. V., & Royer, J. (2010). The mutual fund industry: Competition and investor welfare. New York, NY: Columbia University Press.

Tymoshyk, M. V. (2004). Vydavnycha sprava ta redaghuvannja. Kyiv: In Jure [in Ukrainian].

Shuljghin, V., Slobodjanyk M., & Pavlenko V. (2014). Сhemistry. Kharkiv: Folio [in Ukrainian].

If eight or more authors (editors / compilers) are listed in the publication, the references should list the names of the first six authors, then insert three dots (...) and include the name of the last author (see descriptions of the books with authors).


Zinn, H., Konopacki, M., Buhle, P., Watkins, J. E., Mills, S., Mullins, J. W. … Komisar, R.  (2008). A people’s history of American empire: A graphic adaptation. New York, NY: Metropolitan Books.

Prusova, V. Gh., Prykhach, O. S., Dovghanj, K. L., Ostapenko, Gh. Gh., Bojko, S. O., Polishhuk, O. O. … Bondar, Gh. R. (2004). Maths. Kyjiv: Osvita. [in Ukrainian].

If author is organization, then:


Instytut svitovoji ekonomiky ta mizhnarodnykh vidnosyn. (2012). Derzhava v ekonomici Japoniji. Kyjiv: Nauka [in Ukrainian].

If a part of the book or article is used, the source is written in italics.

Grosman, D. (2009). Writing in the dark. In T. Morrison (Ed.), Burn this book, 22–32. New York, NY: HarperCollins Publishers.

Farrell, S. E. (2009). Art. In D. Simmons (Ed.), New critical essays on Kurt Vonnegut, 91-102. New York, NY: Palgrave Macmillan.

Balashova, Je. (2014). Strateghichni doslidzhennja. V A. Sukhorukov (Red.), Priorytety investycijnogho zabezpechennja, 5-9. Kyjiv: Naukova dumka [in Ukrainian].

Benjamin, A. C. (1960). The ethics of scholarship: A discussion of problems that arise in its application. Journal of Higher Education, 31(9), 471–480.

Роїк, М. (2014). Сучасний стан реєстрації представників роду Salix. Біоенергетика, 1(5), 21–23. 

Itzkoff, D. (2010, March 31). A touch for funny bones and earlobes. New York Times, C1.

Ali, A. H. (2010, April 27). ‘South Park’ and the informal Fatwa. Wall Street Journal, A17.

Lykhovyd, I. (2016, Sichenj 15). Medychnyj proryv. Day, 2 [in Ukrainian].

When using web-sources, the name of a document or book is indicated in italics, and in the case of an article, the name of the electronic journal or site.


Ingwersen, P. (1992). Information retrieval interaction. Retrieved from

Musés, C. A. (Ed.). (1961). Esoteric teachings of the Tibetan Tantra. Retrieved from

Dakhno, I. (2014). Pravo intelektualjnoji vlasnosti. Kyjiv: CUL. Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].

Itzkoff, D. (2010, March 31). A touch for funny bones and earlobes. New York Times, C1. Retrieved from

Lykhovyd, I. (2016, Sichenj 15). Medychnyj proryv. Day, 2 [in Ukrainian]. Retrieved from [in Ukrainian].

When using Arabic, Chinese, or Japanese sources, the author provides the name of the work in transliteration and then translates it into English.

Guzel, С. (Ed.). (2002). Turkler (Turks). Сilt 1. Ankara: Yeni Turkiye Yayinlari [in Turkish]

Παπαναστασίου, Γ. (2001). Το γλωσσικό λάθος. Εγκυκλοπαιδικός οδηγός για τη γλώσσα (Language error. Encyclopedic guide to language). Θεσσαλονίκη: Κέντρο Ελληνικής Γλώσσας, 199–202 [in Modern Greek].





Concordance «Списку використаної літератури»  and  «References»


Список використаної літератури


Адорно Т. В. Негативная диалектика: монография / пер. с нем. Е. Л. Петренко. M.: Академический проект, 2011. 538 с.

Adorno, T. (2011). Negativnaja dialektika (Negative dialectics). Moscow: Academic project [in Russian].

Алмонд Г. А., Верба С. Гражданская культура и стабильность демократии. Полис. 1992. № 4. С. 122–134.

Almond, G. A. &  Verba S. (1992). Grazhdanskaja kul'tura i stabil'nost' demokratii. (Civic culture and stability of democracy). Polis, 4, 122 –133. [in Russian].

Асоциацията на българите по света. Декларация от Втори Велик Събор на Българите по Света. URL: (дата звернення: 15.07.2017).

Association of Bulgarians all over the world.  Deklaracija-ot-vtori-velik-sbor-na-blgarite-po-sveta. (Declaration of the Second Great Council of the Bulgarians on the world). Retrieved from [in Bulgarian]. 

Бек У. Что такое глобализация? Ошибки глобализма – ответы на глобализацию: монография / пер. с нем. А. Григорьева, В. Седельника; общ. ред. и послесловие А. Филиппова. М.: Прогресс-Традиция, 2001. 304 с.

Beck, U.  (2001). Chto takoe globalizacija? Oshibki globalizma – otvety na globalizacijuю (What is globalization? The Errors of Globalism - Answers to Globalization). Moscow: Progress-Tradition, 2001. [in Russian].

Берандзе М. Р. Концепция транснационального права в международном праве: дис. ... канд. юрид. наук: 12.00.10, 12.00.03. / Дипломатическая Академия РФ. М., 2010. 172 с.

Berandze, M. R. (2010). Koncepcija transnacional'nogo prava v mezhdunarodnom prave. (The concept of transnational law in international law). (Doctoral Dissertation). Diplomatic Academy of the Russian Federation, Moscow. [in Russian].

Бродель Ф. История и общественные науки. Историческая длительность. Философия и методология истории: сборник статей / под ред. И. С. Кона. М.: Прогресс, 1977. С. 113–124.

Braudel, F. (1977). Istorija i obshhestvennye nauki. Istoricheskaja dlitel'nost'. (History and social sciences. Historical duration).

I. S. Kon (Ed.), Philosophy and Methodology of History: Collection of Articles. (pp. 113–124). Moscow: Progress. [in Russian].

Бродель Ф. Пространство и история. Что такое Франция? Кн.1. / пер. с фр. М. А. Юсима. М.: Изд. им. Сабашниковых, 1994. 405 с.

Braudel, F. (1994). Prostranstvo i istorija. (Space and history). In F. Braudel (Ed.) What is France? (Vol. 1). Mosсow: Publishing House named after Sabashnikovs. [in Russian].

Брусиловска О., Задорожня, А.  Конфликтите в Косово и Ирак в контекста на международните отношения. Международни отношения. (София, България). 2008. № 3. С. 53–72. (болг. мовою). 

Brusylovska, O., & Zadorozhnja, A. (2008). Konfliktite-v-kosovo-i-irak-v-konteksta-na-mezhdunarodnite-otnoshenija. (Kosovo and Iraqi crises in the context of international affairs). International Relations. (Sofia, Bulgaria), 3, 53–72. [in Bulgarian]. 

Валлерстайн И. Модернизация: мир праху её. Социология: теория, методы, маркетинг. 2008. № 2. С. 21–25.

Wallerstein,  I. (2008). Modernizacija: mir prahu ejo. (Modernization: May it Rest in Peace). Sociology: theory, methods, marketing, 2, 21–25. [in Russian].

Варга М., Блум К. Як популісти та правоконсерватори перемагають лібералів. Приклад Польщі, Угоршини, Росії. Vox. Ukraine. 20.03.2018. URL: (дата звернення: 10.10.2018).

Vargha, M., & Blum, K. (2018, March 20). Jak populisty ta pravokonservatory peremaghajutj liberaliv. Pryklad Poljshhi, Ughorshyny, Rosiji. (How populists and right-wing conservatives defeat liberals. Example of Poland, Hungary, Russia.) Vox. Ukraine. Retrieved from [in Russian].

Власов В. Г. Політика з регулювання міжнародних зв’язків регіонів: західноєвропейський досвід: дис. … канд. політ. наук.: 23.00.02. / Чорноморський національний університет імені Петра Могили. Миколаїв, 2015. 231 с.

Vlasov, V. G. (2015). Polityka z reghuljuvannja mizhnarodnykh zv'jazkiv reghioniv: zakhidnojevropejsjkyj dosvid. (Politics with regulation of international relations Regions: Western Europe). (Doctoral Dissertation). Chornomorsky National University of the Name of Peter Mogili. Mikolaiv. [in Ukrainian].

Вcедepжaвнoє Русинськоє Caмoсправованя. Общество Русинув / Рутенув Мадярщины. URL: (дата звернення 03.11.2018).

Vcedepzhavnoje Rusyns'koje Camospravovanja. Obshhestvo Rusynuv. Rutenuv Madjarshhynyy. (National Council of Rusyns of Hungary). (2019). Retrieved from [in Ruthenian].

Конституція України: Закон від 28.06.1996 № 254к/96-ВР. База даних «Законодавство України»-ВР України. URL:к/96-вр/stru#Stru (дата звернення: 22.04.20).

Konstytucija Ukrajiny. (Constitution of Ukraine): Law of of Ukraine. No. 254k/96-BP. (1996, June 28). Retrieved from [in Ukrainian]

Про засади державної регіональної політики: Закон України від 05.02.2015 р. № 156-VIII. Відомості Верховної Ради (ВВР). 2015. № 13. ст. 90.

Pro zasady derzhavnoji reghionaljnoji polityky. (On the principles of state regional policy): Law of Ukraine. No 156-VIII. § 2. Art. 90. (2015). In Vidomosti Verkhovnoji Rady, 13.

Anderson M. Territory and State Formation in the Modern World. Cambridge: Polity Press, 1996. 272 р.

Anderson, M. (1996) Territory and State Formation in the Modern World. Cambridge: Polity Press, 1996.

Anderson M. Les frontières: un débat contemporain. Cultures & Conflits. 1997. No. 26/27. Р. 15–34.

Anderson, M. (1997) Les frontières: un débat contemporain. Cultures & Conflits, 26/27, 15–34.

A people’s history of American empire: A graphic adaptation. / Zinn, H. and other. New York, NY: Metropolitan Books, 2008. 277 p.

Zinn, H., Konopacki, M., Buhle, P., Watkins, J. E., Mills, S., Mullins, J. W. … Komisar, R. (2008). A people’s history of American empire: A graphic adaptation. New York, NY: Metropolitan Books.












УДК_ _ 32.07.-057.341(73):005.21

Name Surname

Ph.D., Associate Professor,

Department of International Relations,

Odessa I. I. Mechnikov National University,

r. 32, French Blvd., 24/26, Odessa, Ukraine

Tel.: (380482) 633259; E-mail:




Abstract (250 words in the language of the article)

Keywords: international relations, foreign policy, politics, strategy.

Formulation of the problem in general form, its relation to scientific or practical problems.

Analysis of recent research and publications, methodological basis of the study.

Selection of previously unresolved parts of the problem to which the article is devoted.

Formulation of the goals of the article, presentation of the main research material with full substantiation of scientific results.

Research findings and prospects for further research in this area.

In-Teхt References:

Example 1: There are several editing steps in the editorial process (Timoshyk, 2004).

Example 2: According to Timoshyk (2004) in the editorial process there are several stages of editing.

Example 1: Wordsworth (2006) stated that romantic poetry was marked as a “spontaneous overflow of strong feelings” (p. 263).

Example 2: Romantic poetry is characterized by a “spontaneous overflow of strong feelings” (Wordsworth, 2006, p. 263).

Example (2-5 authors) 1: (Kernis, Cornell, Sun, Berry, & Harlow, 1993, p. 199) or (Boyko, Hrechka, & Polishchuk, 2010, p. 5).

Example (2-5 authors) 2: Boyko, Hrechka and Polishchuk (2010) point out: “geopolitics – is an interdisciplinary science” (p. 5).

Example (6 and more)1: (Jones et al., 1998, p. 7) or (Boyko et al., 2005, p. 10)

Example (6 and more) 2: Wieliczko et al. (2005) state: “Geopolitics is a system of sciences ...” (p. 10).

Example: Ukrainian language has a prominent place among the modern languages (Ukrainian Language, 2009). Elkins argues that visual studies, as a new discipline, can be “too easy” (Visual Studies, 2009, p. 63).

Example: Many researchers consider literary editing to be one of the most important stages of text processing (Feller, 2004; Rizun, 2002).

Example: There are differing opinions about the effects of cloning (R. Miller, p. 12; A. Miller, p. 46). Although some medical ethics experts argue that cloning will lead to design children (R. Miller, p. 12), others have noted that the benefits of medical research outweigh this consideration (A. Miller, p. 46).


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The section forms articles devoted to the analysis of the formation and development of political institutions and political processes in the international, regional and national contexts. Transnational, transboundary forms of interaction between local groups and national systems form network systems of relations and pave the basis for the formation of new political institutions, for the development of political processes.


The section will include articles devoted to research:

  • development of the theory and methodology of political analysis,
  • history of the development of ideological and political thought,
  • processes of political communication.


Analysis of the factors of socio-cultural integration of society.

Determination of the quality of socio-cultural integration.

Research of methodology of analysis of socio-cultural integration of society.

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