symbolic communication, paradox of politics, political message, bureaucratic — etatist rhetoric, devaluation of publicity.Abstract
The article substantiates, that the variety of linguistic meanings and points that a person uses in the process of communication, gives the opportunity to «reconcile» the contradictory manifold of his motivations, including paradoxically. The variety of communicative meaningsis formed not only by the variety of signs, but also, for example, by the possibility of connecting a sign with another object (metaphor), a partial change in sign with the corresponding transformation of meaning (pun).There is curious example from the political sphere of changing meaning in the sign «ялинка», associated with the involuntary transformation by the previous president of Ukraine this sign into the «йолка». As a consequence, the meaning of «evergreen tree with needles» is transformed into the meaning «Ukrainian president, who does not know the Ukrainian language well». The contradictory «four-basicity» of politics, which we designate as the paradox of «four P» (particularity, publicity, populism, privilege) is coherent to diversity of motivations human’s behavior. The politics, managing social behavior, is designed to mobilize the motivation of the majority. This is being done with the help of political messages that generate political points, including manipulating the public constituent. The ineffectiveness of political communication in post-Soviet Ukraine is due to the eclectic compound of Soviet mental models in political messages in the form of bureaucratic — etatist and populist rhetoric with post-Soviet rhetoric of stylized patriotism and pseudo-market freedom. The roots of eclecticism are not only in the Soviet past, but also in the modern consumerization of the public component of politics. Relying on the paradox «follow your inclinations, overcoming them,» or otherwise avoiding the politicization of the non-political spheres of life and manipulating the «signed consumption» of the masses, you can try to return publicity to Ukrainian politics.
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