«A man of the sea» in Ukrainian contexts as a subject of sociological discourse Annotation
the Maritime community, a man of the sea, the Maritime subculture, the Maritime region, the marine sociologyAbstract
In the article there analyzes the factors and conditions of the Maritime industrie’s development in Ukraine in the context of socio-cultural development of Maritime regions. The Sectoral and the interdisciplinary research are covered by the implementation’s practical aspects of sociological-methodological research of community and professional losses of the «special» marine areas — «A man of the sea» in ukrainian sociological space. There is substantiated the necessity of the comprehensive study of formation’s factors and factors of productive activity by the modern specialist of the Maritime industry and the effective use of such knowledge in social projects and practices in the context of development’s prospects of Ukraine as the Maritime community. In terms of existing of the blurred sociological objective and subjective criteria of its dynamics is relevant the use of sociological approaches in subdiscipline based on studying of subjective mechanisms of formation and feedback effects of the mental factor «sea» in the mind of «man of the sea» on the factors anthropo — and sociocultural development in regions. The analysis of the functioning of the object indicates the necessity of considering influences of social factors of a global nature (information and globalization changes) reflected in social stereotypes, purely anthropological, psychological and political origin (ethno-cultural, mental, religious, ideological, etc.). The extension of the object and subject of sociological consideration towards the specifications of the «social» element requires the use of socio-scientific principle of tracking the relationship of the manifestations of human activity in a social context of the social development of the organism as a whole system. The proposed perspective of the study allows us to consider regional marine social subcultures within an appropriate of the sociological subdiscipline, without limiting the directions of the Genesis of the investigated object and subject connections. Social characteristics of the «man of the sea» received thanks to the «Maritime sociology» from a structural and dynamic point of the view, the interaction of the different sides, levels, subsystems allow us to bring this knowledge to the solution of problems of social institutions (education, family, etc), social communities (territorial communities, socio-professional categories), social processes (integration or disintegration), and cross-cultural processes and use them effectively in social projects and practices.
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