social integration, reluctant migrants, self-identification, host communities, socio-cultural capital.Abstract
The article deals with socio-cultural factors affecting the degree of integration of reluctant migrants in Ukrainian society. Two indicators of integration were used: the existence of strong social ties with members of the host community and the participation and / or interest in the life of the host community. The results of a sociological survey are presented, the tasks of which were, first, the identification of actual skills and abilities that can (or do not suffice) for reluctant migrants from Donbass to integrate into host communities, and secondly, the level of integration of reluctant migrants on the basis of their self-identification. According to the results of the survey, only 41 % of reluctant migrants consider themselves integrated into the host community, 16 % do not consider themselves integrated at all; 31 % consider themselves only partially integrated, 3 % do not want to integrate, and 9 % found it difficult to answer. Among the skills and abilities that helped reluctant migrants to settle in a new place, the ability to resist stress (51 %) and the ability to create social ties (43 %) are leading. Knowledge of foreign languages (38 %), entrepreneurial skills (30 %) are among the skills that are lacking for reluctant
migrants. The results of the research show correlation between the level of integration of reluctant migrants in receiving communities and the ability to create and accumulate relevant social capital in the form of new horizontal links and cultural capital in the form of personal skills and competencies.
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