
  • А. С. Герасимчук Department of International Relations, Odessa I. I. Mechnikov National University, k. 32, French Bul., 24/26, Odessa-58, 65058, Ukraine, Ukraine




«principled realism», USA, Middle East, National Security Strategy.


The Middle East traditionally remains in the sphere of interest of the American foreign policy. Due to the tense security context in the region and to the complexity of socio-political and geopolitical processes there the US engagement is needed. D. Trump’s administration shows the lack of clear vision and coherent strategy in the region. It poses a threat for the US position in the Middle East and to the security situation in the region in whole. Despite the fact that the formal regional strategy corresponds to the conceptual framework the absence of complex vision of the regional problems is evident. In contrast to previous administration that had coherent regional strategy, D. Trump’s approaches are difficult for understanding in the conceptual dimension. The concept of «principled realism» is controversial in its core as it is not clear where the threshold between two notions is. Conservative behavior pattern of the new administration turns the USA back to the traditional system of partnership in the region. However, inconsistence of statements and actions do not allow to use the potential of this backout. The lack of humanitarian aspect in approaches poses the challenge to the efficiency of military actions taken by the American side as it does not allow to tackle the roots of regional problems.

Author Biography

А. С. Герасимчук, Department of International Relations, Odessa I. I. Mechnikov National University, k. 32, French Bul., 24/26, Odessa-58, 65058, Ukraine

PhD Researcher (Political Science),
Department of International Relations,
Odessa I. I. Mechnikov National University.


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