
  • О. I. Деміденко International Relations and Foreign Policy Department, Vasyl’ Stus Donetsk National University, Hrushevskoho str., 2, Vinnytsia, 21050., Ukraine



intellectual migration, scientific elite, educational migration, direction of migration, Ukraine.


The article examines the geographical dimension of the processes of intellectual migration of Ukrainian citizens. On the examples of educational and scientific migration the most popular states among Ukrainian scholars and students, where they seek to pursue their professional activities or receive education, are identified. Special factors that shape the attractiveness of certain states as the place of final destination of migration movement are determined. Current trends and dynamics in the changes of the migration priorities among the mentioned groups of the Ukrainian citizens are studied. It is emphasized that in the context of geographical direction the processes of intellectual migration differ from the general migration phenomenon. Among the Ukraine’s intellectual elite the Central and Eastern European neighbor-states are less popular than among migrant workers. The scientific elite of the state is oriented towards emigration to countries where it can fully implement its potential. Therefore, some developed states of the Western world — such as the USA and Germany — become the priority recipients of highly educated Ukrainian migrants. Another powerful movement of scientific migration was directed to Russian Federation — however, after the events of the Revolution of Dignity and the beginning of Russian aggression, it become less popular. On the other hand, Ukrainian students are guided by the preferences and opportunities provided by other states in the field of educational processes. A simplified system for joining foreign universities and the financial availability of education determine the priorities of this group of migrants, which has considerably expanded in recent years. The undisputed leader in this case is Poland, which offers extremely favorable conditions for Ukrainian entrants. In general, the demonstrated popularity of the western vector among intellectual migrants has a certain positive result, as it strengthens the civilizational choice of Ukrainian society and strong ties the state to the Western world.

Author Biography

О. I. Деміденко, International Relations and Foreign Policy Department, Vasyl’ Stus Donetsk National University, Hrushevskoho str., 2, Vinnytsia, 21050.

PhD Researcher (Political Science),International Relations and Foreign Policy Department, Vasyl’ Stus Donetsk National University.


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