foreign policy, integration associations, global processes, cooperation and perspective.Abstract
The article considers the foreign policy of Argentina in the post-bipolar period,
identifies the main directions of cooperation with the United States, Russia, China, the EU and Latin American countries. Distinguish the main areas of cooperation: political, economic and defense, emphasize the role of Argentina in these processes. First free presidential elections were held in Argentina in 1989. K. Menem came to power, which initiated the creation of MERCOSUR and pursued a policy of rapprochement with the United States. An effective domestic policy led out Argentina to a new level of development of the country, which positively affected its international level. Nestor Kirchner advocated rapprochement with the countries of the European Union, security policy remained an important component in shaping the country’s foreign policy strategy; in particular, the important role of the UN was assigned in solving international problems, international terrorism issues, supporting disarmament
policy and non-proliferation of nuclear weapons. Christina Kirchner was the initiator of the implementation of the policy of multiculturalism. During her governing, there was a rapprochement with China, Russia and Brazil. Argentina was keen to join the BRICS group. Analysis of foreign policy M. Macri gives a complete picture of the situation of Argentina at the present stage, its role in international relations. The new political course of M. Macri is based on the renewal of democratic values within the country, the status of Argentina’s leader
in Latin America, and the maintenance of friendly relations with the United States. Despite the deterioration of Ukrainian-Argentine relations over the past 5 years, outlines the main trends in relations between Ukraine and Argentina at the present day.
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