inclusiveness, exclusivity, conclusiveness, paradigm, civilization.Abstract
The article analyzes one of the three principles of the political strategies formation in the 21st century — the principle of inclusiveness (the desire of the global political process subjects to include into their sphere of influence the possible widest range of political strategy objects — peoples, states, cultures, economies). The emergence of the globalism ideology is largely based on the principle of inclusivism, which has been substantiated and developed since the era of the French Enlightenment and up to the present time. Western inclusivism is based on the belief in the final triumph of the liberal principles of social organization. On this basis, globalization has a very definite social and political context — the inclusion of the whole world in the system of Western values, institutions and economic structures as «the most effective». To justify this, the West has a sufficiently developed conceptual base. The main meaning of these concepts boils down to the assertion that the West gave to the world a universal set of political values and institutions, and the success or failure of the development of non-Western civilizations and countries depends on the degree of their inclusion or non-inclusion in the Western political model (that is, on the degree of their inclusiveness). However, at the beginning of the 21st century, a radical transformation of technological and socio-political relations, which cast doubt on the effectiveness of the Western inclusive model takes place,. All existing civilizations, national communities and states feel their uniqueness and exclusiveness more than ever before. They are increasingly aware that any unilateral and uncritical inclusion of one civilization in the value system of another civilization is doomed to a historic failure. The authors come to the conclusion that the political reality of the 21st century is likely to be determined by the confrontation of several distinct inclusive paradigms.
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