


diaspora, national policy, Bulgarians abroad, ethnic lobbying.


Geopolitical processes in the modern world require from the states to form national strategies that are orientated to the successful functioning of the nations under the conditions of transnational systems basing on the diasporas abroad. The mechanism of state policy management in regard to the Bulgarian communities abroad has been formed in the Republic of Bulgaria during two decades. The institutional system of the Bulgarian state bodies, which hold jurisdiction over the policy on Bulgarians abroad, includes the highest governing bodies, bodies with general power and specialized bodies. This article considers the process of formation of the Republic of Bulgaria’s policy on the Bulgarian diaspora in Ukraine, that is considered on the basis of analysis of state laws and political programmes, and the system of state bodies and their activity. On the basis of the conducted analysis, conclusions have been made that the national strategy of the Republic has developed in the direction of the integration of all persons of Bulgarian origin in the united nation that exists outside of territories and borders. The state supports the idea of the creation of the supranational body with representative authority. Bulgaria is interested in resources belonged to the ethnic diaspora of compatriots (demographical and intellectual potential, institutional and social abilities) in the environment of the state of residence. Herewith, the Republic of Bulgaria demonstrates the readiness to create mechanisms of attraction of the abroad compatriots to participate in the national-development of Bulgaria.

Author Biography

С. В. Коч, Department of History and World Politics, Odessa I. I. Mechnikov National University, r.32, French Blvd., 24/26, Odessa.

Ph.D., Ass. Prof., Department of History and World Politics,
Odessa I. I. Mechnikov National University.


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